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Jeannie Mongrain
Lynn Vardy

As women who live, work, volunteer and raise our families in Lanark County we are constantly amazed by the strength, resilience and generosity of our community. Understanding the variety of local charities and programs addressing the unique needs of our rural region is inspiring.

We co-founded 100+ Women Lanark to cover shortfalls and strengthen support for local charities through increased awareness and consistent giving within the community we call home. Join us and make a difference!


Mixing food, wine, women donors and local charities makes for a fun, informative evening. Three charities present, we vote and each member writes a $100 cheque, four times a year. Please join us in sustaining the vibrant community we enjoy in Lanark County

I look forward to the day when our membership grows beyond 100 women and I know that moment is fast approaching. This is an idea that is brilliant in it's simplicity and we are so pleased to be part of the 100 Women Who Care movement. Go Lanark County!

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